It is our joy to welcome you to the Lakes Church!
Whether you’re checking out the Lakes Church for the first time, you’re new to church altogether, or you’re just looking for a church family, we just want to say “Welcome” and “We’re glad you’re here.” Our prayer for you is that you’ll find a place that feels like family, that you’ll encounter God, and that after being here, you’ll be filled with more hope than when you first arrived.
We gather weekly in the name of Jesus to rehearse and remember the goodness of God revealed in the face of Jesus and we look forward to seeing you.

Our Story
The Lakes Church launched in the fall of 2017 with a desire to see the culture of Heaven touch down on West Michigan's Lakeshore. Over the past six years, we've witnessed the kindness of Jesus give birth to a local church hungry for God's presence.
We believe the Church is not another sub-culture, building, or gathering, but the people through whom God is making all things new (including us). We strive to live out the Gospel in the warp and woof of our daily lives, gathering each weekend to partner with God in his relentless pursuit to put the world to rights. Our prayer is as Jesus prayed, that God’s will would be done on the Lakeshore as it is in Heaven.
Our Team
Our Leadership
The Lakes Church is directed organizationally by a governing Board - in partnership with the Lead Pastor & Church Staff. For details about our Board's role and current composition, please email us at info@mylakes.chuch.
What is a presence driven church?Our community holds to a posture of "Expectancy without an Agenda." That is, we expect Jesus to honor his promise to be with and for those who gather in his name, without holding Jesus captive to our whims or agendas. Some simply call this the posture of humility. To that end, it is our hope and prayer that you can expect to meet Jesus as we worship through song, respond to the scriptures, and receive the bread & cup.
What should I expect for kid's discipleship?Our desire is for children to learn and practice the way of Jesus in community. When share a conviction that there is no "junior Holy Spirit" and therefore the inclusion of children in worship and teaching & equipping children is necessary for the health of our church. In order to facilitate kid's discipleship we have age specific classrooms (open based on capacity).
How formal is the Lakes?The Lakes is more casual than some and more formal than other church communities. We embrace some liturgical elements, receive the ordinance of communion weekly, and seldom care about one's attire. Our desire to is outdo one another in showing honor and bend our formality toward that end.
Sunday GatheringOur services include worship, corporate announcements, teaching of the Word, and time for receiving prayer. We receive the ordinance of Communion each week in response the teaching. No dogs or pets are allowed in our gatherings. Only trained ADA Service Animals will be able to enter our spaces. If you are a first time visitor, we encourage you to fill out our Connect Card so we can help you take your next steps in getting connected into the life of our church! If you have any questions, you can reach out to info@mylakes.church. - We hope to see you this Sunday!

Sunday Mornings are awesome
for kids at The Lakes. There is age-specific
programming for birth-5th grade.
Check in in the rotunda